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Install on product card

Install on your store theme by inserting code snippet.


This guide might not be consistent with your theme. Contact support at for installation help.

App embed

In your theme editor, enable the app embed. This adds Javascript to your theme that powers your widgets.

App embed

Code snippet

In your code editor, create new snippet named dynamic-delivery-date-widget. Copy and paste the following

{% comment %}
Renders a Dynamic Delivery Date widget component

- id: {String} ID for the widget. Generally, app block id is used here. Default: empty (optional)
- current_product: {Object} Product Liquid object.
- default_variant_id: {String} Default variant ID to apply to widget. Generally, used on cart page to show widget for a line item. Default: empty (optional)
- Widget uses product.selected_or_first_available_variant if not provided.
- target_selector: {String} Target CSS selector to watch variant selection changes - usually the variant id form input Default: empty (optional)
- disable_global_style: {Boolean} Render widget with CSS encapsulation. Default: false (optional)
- widget_type: {String} Dynamic "widget.type" value to pass to widget liquid template to customize template for different environments. Default: 'product' (optional)
- widget_payload: {String} Dynamic "widget.payload" json payload value to pass to widget liquid template to customize template for any custom use case. Default: 'null' (optional)

{%- assign current_product = product -%}
{%- assign default_variant_id = -%}
{%- assign target_selector = 'form[action*="/cart/add"] input[name="id"]' -%}
{%- assign disable_global_style = false -%}
{%- assign widget_type = 'product' -%}
{%- capture widget_payload -%}
"shop": {{ shop | json }}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% render 'dynamic-delivery-date-widget', id:, current_product: current_product, default_variant_id: default_variant_id target_selector: target_selector, disable_global_style: disable_global_style, widget_type: widget_type, widget_payload: widget_payload %}
{% endcomment %}
data-id="{{id | default: ''}}"
data-target="{{target_selector | default: '' | escape}}"
data-type="{{widget_type | default: 'product'}}"
{% if disable_global_style %}data-disable-global-style{% endif %}
<script data-id="widget_context" type="application/json">
"product": {{current_product | json}},
{%- liquid
if default_variant_id != blank
assign selected_variant_id = default_variant_id
assign selected_variant_id =
"selected_variant_id": {{ selected_variant_id | default: "null" }},
{%- assign product_collection_ids = current_product.collections | map: 'id' -%}
"product_collection_ids": {{product_collection_ids | json}}
<template data-id="widget_payload" data-type="application/json">
{{widget_payload | default: 'null' | escape}}

Render code snippet on collection page

Online store 2.0

In your code editor, go to snippets and open the card-product snippet.

Under product price, copy and paste the following

<!-- BEGIN Dynamic Delivery Date - card widget -->
{%- assign current_product = card_product -%}
{%- assign target_selector = '' -%}
{%- assign disable_global_style = false -%}
{%- assign widget_type = 'collection' -%}
{% render 'dynamic-delivery-date-widget', id:, current_product: current_product, target_selector: target_selector, disable_global_style: disable_global_style, widget_type: widget_type %}
<!-- END Dynamic Delivery Date - card widget -->

For paste location reference:

card-product Render snippet on card product


In your code editor, go to snippets and open the product-card-grid and product-card-list snippets.

Under product price, copy and paste the following

<!-- BEGIN Dynamic Delivery Date - card widget -->
{%- assign current_product = product -%}
{%- assign target_selector = '' -%}
{%- assign disable_global_style = false -%}
{%- assign widget_type = 'collection' -%}
{% render 'dynamic-delivery-date-widget', id:, current_product: current_product, target_selector: target_selector, disable_global_style: disable_global_style, widget_type: widget_type %}
<!-- END Dynamic Delivery Date - card widget -->

For paste location reference:

product-card-grid Vintage render snippet on product card grid

product-card-list Vintage render snippet on product card list

Shopify references